“I am continuously inspired by the students and staff of Pratthanadee, and hope to convey that passion to family, friends and colleagues back home.”

From Boston to Bangkok with a desire to give back! This month’s featured donor is Paul Dowling. With a mission to help people who were helping themselves, Paul moved to Bangkok in 2012 and began working with Pratthanadee in 2013 once he learnt about the foundation’s model of empowering disadvantaged women by giving them the tools they need to thrive. When asked what keeps him coming back year after year, his answer is simple: the dedication of Pratthanadee’s students, many of whom have full time jobs. “They are making a real commitment to improve their lives, which I find incredibly inspiring,” he says, “they are realizing that they can do exactly what they set out to do.” His favourite thing about supporting Pratthanadee is being able to see the transformations that occur over the course of the “Better Me” program, which consists of nine months of weekly classes on topics such as “planning for the future,” “negotiation techniques,” as well as English lessons. Currently Paul is splitting his time between Boston and Bangkok, with plans to return to Thailand and begin travelling to Ubon Ratchathani alongside the team leading “Better Me for Girls.” Pratthanadee Foundation empowers women and girls from poor regions across Thailand and gives them the tools they need to build safe and successful lives. Click here to support our work and help us create brighter futures for women and girls. By: Susan Patterson Edited: Angana Narula