Ruth Carr is a writer and filmmaker based in Southeast Asia. She wrote a wonderful article for News Deeply about our work with girls in Northeast Thailand. You can see an excerpt below and click the link to read the full article:
Baan Khan Rai School sits at the edge of a small village surrounded by rice paddies. In a second-story classroom, a dog pokes his head through the doorway as the morning sun streams through tin shutters. Down below, the Mun River quietly snakes past.
“Show me, how do you imagine your future? What do you see in your mind? What feelings do you have? Now draw it!” says Sarochinee Unyawachsumrith, known as Beer, the managing director of the Pratthanadee Foundation…
See more of Ruth’s work on her blog, Somewhere in Bangkok.
Picture: Sarochinee (Beer) with one of the students taking part in the Better Me workshop by Ruth Carr.