With help from Irish Aid In-Country Micro-Project Scheme (ICMP) Pratthanadee Foundation conducted the project titled “Empowering Girls in Rural Northeast Thailand to Protect Themselves Against Domestic & Sexual Violence” during August and September 2018. Workshops...
“Now I know, no one can help me but myself… I would have never come this far without their support.” Platoo, the youngest child of four siblings, was raised by a single mother. Struggling with limited funds, Platoo’s mother found herself unable to continue supporting...
“I am continuously inspired by the students and staff of Pratthanadee, and hope to convey that passion to family, friends and colleagues back home.” From Boston to Bangkok with a desire to give back! This month’s featured donor is Paul Dowling. With a mission to help...
“I realized that I cannot live my life without thinking about it carefully.” Parn was born in Ubon Ratchathani to a farming family. She was unable to finish junior high school due to an unplanned pregnancy. Once her pregnancy was revealed to her parents, they...
“At the foundation, I learnt how to move forward in life. My life gets better by the day.” Khin Aye Nu (Nu) is a Karen girl born in the Mon State of Myanmar. After a difficult childhood, Nu was denied the opportunity to study at school. At the age of 15, she fled to...